
Julie and Julia

I watched the movie this weekend. I don’t know why I waited so long to view it. Although Meryl is a great actress, Julia’s manner of speaking is an acquired taste,  and I have not.

Not that I am a great foodie, but I do like to spend time in the kitchen  – when the whim takes me – and have a go at new things, at a variety of dishes, just to bring some variety on our plates.

I understand why Julie achieved her goal… She needed something to prove to herself she could do it, and she did. It could have been anything else, but she chose French Cuisine and, by the same token, introduced a legendary figure to a new generation.

This is something that, every once in a while, people need to do… take on a challenge and see it through no matter how great or not the results are. Building a first bird house or dog house on our own, first time painting a room, first time knitting a scarf… this is what Julie’s project was all about. She was ambitious, and she succeeded.

I have taken on ambitious projects a few times in my life and no master piece came out of them, but it was not without bringing on growth or knowledge. It is often more than just learning something new and developing new skills; it is about discovering who we are and what we are made of, testing our mettle, or even proving to ourselves that “we still can!”.

What have you done lately to grow?

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